Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Obama Economy

The "Obama economy" now that's an oxymoron.

An oxymoron is a self-cancelling phrase. Putting those two words together: Obama and economy is the perfect self-canceller. One negates the other. In this case, President Obama knows about as much of how to govern over the world's largest economy as he does about how to play golf. Simply, he has no clue what he's doing....either in or out of the Oval Office. However, he was an expert at smoking pot in college so says his revolting consigliere, Bill, "he's got that going for him which is nice."

Let's be honest with ourselves, President Obama's performance for the last 3 and half years governing the world's economic superpower is a total failure. If he ran a Fortune 500 company, what do you think the Board and the shareholders would do provided he didn't stack the Board with his crony smarmy hoods from Chicago? How bad is it? Let's look at the facts from when he took office to now, in other words HIS RECORD ON THE JOB and forget the smiles and the swagger for a moment.

A. Unemployed Americans. Up over 1.5 million more unemployed.
B. Unemployment rate. Up over .5% to 8.2%.
C. Gas Prices. Up over $2 gallon on average.
D. Debt per person. Up over $15,000 to over $49,000 per every citizen in the USA. (Added $5 TRILLION in three years of Obamanomics to the debt.)
E. Misery index. Up 4 percentage points to 11.9%.
F. College tuition. Up $2000 per student per year at a state college.
G. Worker health care costs. Up $1000 per employee.
I. Food stamp recepients. Up 14 million people to 46 million overall.
J. Americans in poverty. Up 6 million to 46 million.
K. Home values. Down on average $20,000 to $147,000 average home in USA.
L. US Global Competitiveness. Down to #5. Down four positions from #1.
M. SP Credit rating. First time in 70 year history that the USA was downgraded from AAA to AA+.
N. Wall Street. Remains in tatters and in temporary pause mode.

(Numbers above courtesy of CBO on-line.)

If the economy is still a relevant issue in our country today, Republican-presumptive nominee, Mitt Romney, has many arrows in his quiver as evidenced in the numbers above. He must continually attack President Obama's sorry record of governance and his aim has to be spot on. Use the data convincingly and with great shocking effect.

And what is President Obama's main re-election strategy? Increase taxes. Is it the first time in US history where a standing President's main message for a second term is to increase taxes on the rich? Is that all there is to this empty suit? No, there is something else and only the President and his curs know. He has something grand planned 30 days out from November Tuesday to tip the election in his favor in spite of his record. God help us all!

What was that groan I just heard? Wall Street blues again...the economic malaise and paralysis continues.

Look at the bright side, only 156 days left of this gross ineptitude...gulp.


In USA Today 6/12/12 headline: Families wealth dives 39% in three years

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