Saturday, July 7, 2012

"The Fringe President"

This is the first time in Presidential history where an incumbent President has as his voting base an assortment of the most radical fringe groups in our country.  And just who are President Obama's constituencies, and, how many of these citizens will vote in November?  Here's TWW's non-scientific totally subjective list of the Obama Twenty:
1.The Greens. Advocates of windmills, solar energy and electric cars.  Dissenters of coal, natural gas, nuclear power and gasoline.  2 million voters. Rabid 100% turnout.

2.The Queer Nation. Homosexuals, lesbians, transgender, transvestites, switchhitters, namblaites and others.  12 million voters. Rabid 100% turnout.

3.  Academia. Boards, Trustees, Faculty, Staff and Students at Universities.  5 Million voters of which 2 million are recently unemployed as graduates.  50% snooze turnout.

4. Mainstream Media.  Boards. Ownership. Talent. Pages. Print, television, cable, internet outlets.  1 million voters.  Rabid 100% turnout. 

5.  The American Jews. A puzzling group if there ever was one. "They work like Presbyterians and vote like Puerto Ricans." 5 million voters.  A 60/40 (Israel security issue)split 100% turnout.

6.  The Illegals. Latinos, Russians, Asians, South Americans, Africans, or whatever nationality who come into our country illegally and somehow manage to vote. Number of voters unknown, range between 1 million to 15 million. Go with 5 million.

7.  The Abortionists. Planned Parenthood where they rationalize killing a fetus will unencumber a woman's career path.  5 Million voters.  Rabid 100% turnout.

8. Hollywood. George Clooney, the face of the new star-politico who was a drop out derelict/ladies man at Northern Kentucky U., now the conscience of the liberal party. Owners.  Directors.  Writers. Actors. And everybody down the line in tinsel town. 1 million voters. Rabid 100% turnout.

9.  The Euro-American Socialists.  Those in America who long for the discord in Europe to happen here. As Winston Churchill said about socialists, "Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy. It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."  Now this is really scary.  12 million voters.  Gulp. 50% turnout.

10. The Food Stamps and Welfare Recepients.  From the husbandless 'Octomom' to the infamous citizen who boldly proclaimed on camera in front of a NYC welfare office, "I want some free Obama money."  45 million and climbing voters. 25% turnout.

11. The Atheists.  Bill Maher, the repulsive talk show host, who represents the worst in our Christian-based society is the prototypical atheist in our country.  Most troubling is the atheist numbers are growing quickly. 5 million voters.  Rabid 100% turnout.

12.  The Occupiers.  From Oakland to NYC, the occupiers main purpose on earth is to create discord and mayhem at the expense of local governments and their more civilized citizens. 10,000 voters.  Small but deadly force. 0% turnout too busy to bother.

13.  The Hempsters. Druggies who want their fix legalized now and free. "Work, what's that?"  25 million drug addicts who share numbers with other groups above.  No need to worry.  They don't vote...too much effort.

14.  The Unions. Public and private makes no difference.  These lemmings are told what to do by coercive, corrupt and cruel labor bosses.  And we, the honest and hard working taxpayers, pay for their gross lifetime excesses. 30 million voters.  60% turnout.

15.  The Tort Lawyers. The sordid darlings of the Democrats who fill their coffers with money while tort judgements against whomever raises all of our costs and diminishes our services across the board.  Per the liberal script, tort reform was excluded from the President's Affordable Care Act. 500,000 voters.  100% rabid turnout.

16. The Billionaire. Warren Buffett who plays both sides of the aisle with Midwestern charm and a snake-charmers devilishness. 2 Votes.  1 for Dems.  1 For Republicans.

17.  The Nerds.  Google, Facebook, Apple all those young idealistic millionaires who vote like #5 above.  200,0000 voters.  Turnout 50% only others glued 24/7 to their laptops, iPads and iPhones.

18. George Soros and his creepy band of hoods, liars and insurrectionists. 100,000 voters.  Turnout 50%.

19.  The Dominant Liberal Woman.  Poster child is Nancy Pelosi who is boss at her home like so many liberal women married to successful capitalists.  They bleed for the less fortunate in front of the cameras and retreat in sleazy silence to their luxurious digs in the Hamptons, the Vineyard, Nob Hill or wherever they call home or, more appropriately, homes.   4 million voters.  Rabid voting base 100% turnout.

20. The Angry Black.  Any vote against the incumbent is racist.  Regardless of the reality of a sorry economy, reckless spending, diminished credit rating, stagnant wages, high unemployment, an anemic GDP growth rate, ballooning debt and divisive governance for four years running. Other than that everything is "hunky dory". 10 million voters.  Voting turnout less than 50%.

So, there you have it, President Obama's constituencies by TWW.  If you add up the projections of the voter turnout, President Obama will garner about 80 million popular votes (however, many groups above have overlaps with each other, so it may be closer to 70 million).  In 2008, Obama received 70 million votes versus 60 million for Senator John McCain. In electoral votes, for which 270 are needed for victory, Obama received 365 to McCain's 173.

In due time, I will assemble Governor Romney's constituencies and add up his numbers in like manner against that of President Obama.

No question about November's election being the most important in history, and it will also be the closest call ever.

Stay tuned.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

"We the People..."

The Preamble and the US Constitution
Supreme Courts abdication of the Constitution

In light of the recent historic ruling of the Supreme Court for upholding The Affordable Care Act aka  "Obamacare", calls to mind the Preamble of the US Constitution signed and approved this July 4th day 236 years ago:
"We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Prosperity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
The words "We the People" should reasonate with all Americans as we fully grasp the recent ruling from the Supreme Court. The Preamble doesn't start with "We the Supreme Court" or "We the Congress"  or "We the President", it begins with "We the People."  As it should be.

The outrage of the ruling was expected from whichever side lost.  Nine Supreme Court justices all with not so furtive agendas and biases, regardless of their feigned allegiance to the Constitution, empowered to make and uphold laws for 300 million Americans seems tyrannical to me.   Begs the questions: who do these folks think they are? How did they get to be so powerful? And, how can "We the People" change that?

Well Americans, this is our country, not theirs.  It's not the Congress's either, and surely, it's not the present occupier in the White House. As Thomas Paine, one of Founders, wrote in Common Sense in 1776, "Government is a necessary evil, let us have as little of it as possible." This is our country and it is time to take it back from these governmental hogs at the trough. And that time is coming.  November is our time to be in charge.

"We the People" will decide as it should be.

126 days and counting...and may God help us all with that critical outcome!

Happy Fourth to "We the People" and in deepest thanksgiving for our brave and brilliant Founding Fathers in creating the United States of America.