Saturday, March 24, 2012

"You can't be serious?"

Tim Tebow in New York City? Believe it!

The two New York Jets Quarterbacks in 2012

Tim Tebow, erstwhile starting quarterback of the Denver Broncos, is now a member of the New York Jets. Tebow took over a sorry Broncos team who started last season 1-4 and led them into the second round of the playoffs. Blink...Tebow gone from Denver? After two seasons, we hardly knew thee. But we loved you anyway. You made an indelible mark in Mile High in 24 months. Poof...just like that it's over. What on earth happened? Peyton Manning is what happened.

Tebow was nuclear fallout, a friendly fire victim, collateral damage, whatever terms you want to use, from the hugely risky signing by the Broncos President, John Elway, for future Hall of Famer, quarterback Peyton Manning. Manning, 36, has been out of football for a year with a surgically repaired nerve and bulging disk in his neck. Can a physically-compromised Manning still be successful in the barbaric NFL? Elway is betting big time on it.

Tebow was traded by the Broncos to the Jets quickly after the $100million signing of Manning on Monday past. Supposedly, the Jets plan on using Tebow as a back up quarterback to the "starter for now", glamour boy QB, Mark Sanchez. But really, saintly Tebow in the unsaintly Big Apple? Square peg in round hole?? Good or bad??? Who knows yet. But as a fellow New Yorker tennis brat/great, John McEnroe would incredulously ask of the Tebow signing, "you can't be serious?"

Speaking as a fan and a part-time resident of Denver, Tim Tebow electrified this football-crazed city this past season. I've never seen anything this compelling in all of my years following sports. I felt priviledged to be here when Tebowmania was in full bloom. Was Tebow great? You bet! Simply, he won games almost on his own at the last minute. Was Tebow bad? You bet!! He ineptly lost games as well almost on his own. But he won more than he lost and that fact alone will endure him to his now broken-hearted Broncos fans for a long time.

As poet and playwright William Shakespeare wrote 500 hundred ago, "Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them." In Tim's case, the gift of greatness came to him in all forms and he embraced the gift...a gift he shared with his family, his teammates, his coaches his fans and his Lord.

So, God speed Tim Tebow. For what is New York's gain is sadly Denver's loss. Many in Denver will miss you for not only your football prowess but, more importantly, for your innate decency, dignity, grace and strength from which you conducted yourself while in our midst. Your obvious goodness will always triumph over the profane and the darkness wherever you go.

Tim Tebow may New York and beyond treat you as kindly as you treat everyone you meet along the way. Oy vey!

As for the Broncos...mazel tov.

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