Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Real Inconvenient Truth

With all due respect to the world's environmental alarmist, Al Gore, the real inconvenient truth of the modern world is not global warming but the non-stop killing of beating heart babies within the mother's womb.

On this very dark day 40 years ago, America lost it's soul.  It remains lost to this day. Many don't care. However, many do but much work needs to be done to right this evil wrong.

The United States of America's Supreme Court legalized the culture of death called abortion.  Since that time, 55 million fetuses (in our country alone), a conservative estimate, have been pulled like a weed out of the womb of a mother during various stages of human development and formation. And disposed of as trash.

This government sponsored genocide against the powerless and the faceless is what theologian George Weigel states,"is one of the two worst decisions in Supreme Court history."  The other being the dreadful Dred Scott decision in 1857 that upheld slavery.  In the Dred Scott case, the Court's decision then upheld that "an entire class of human beings (black slaves) were beyond the protection of the laws."  In Roe v Wade on January 22, 1973, the Court declared "that another class of human beings (the unborn) were beyond legal protection."

Let us pray and work for our Pro Life movement that we will have the same effect on offering life and protection to those in the womb that our government gave to blacks in the Civil Rights Act in 1964.  Call it the Human Right to Life Act of 2013 for the unborn.

And if appeal fails and the movement sputters, then a pox on all of us. For our country to continually support this culture of death or to use the antiseptic phrase for colorblind abortion, the vernacular "pro-choice", is utterly heinous and repugnant.

Shame on our government and to those who marginalize this societal scourge of the ages while promoting and supporting more trendy social issues of the day. For what is more vital than the gift of life itself?

We are better than this.

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