Thursday, April 21, 2011

President Ryan

President Paul Ryan. Has a nice ring doesn't it? Will it happen in 2012? Probably not, sad to report. Congressman Paul Ryan, R-Wi., doesn't want it. He knows his national presence and expertise is better served trying to tame the spiraling out of control budget fiasco. That is, if the "other side of the aisle" cares to listen seriously and without malice aforethought. However, if they remain tone deaf to his message, Ryan may feel compelled to enter the race if for no other reason than to amplify his argument for immediate budget responsibility.

Ryan deals with the facts. His opponents deal in slick acting, empty claptrap and demagoguery. Congressman Ryan is a realist and an economic wonk whiz kid. On the other hand, President Obama is an uninformed and disassociated elitist playing games with the future of the United States of America. And for what reason would Obama do this? For votes and power in a nutshell at the expense of America's well being. Ryan projects hope. Obama spews hopelessness.

But, in the remotest chance that Ryan runs in 2012, can you imagine a Ryan v. Obama sober debate on the subject of the most pressing issue of our country, the national debt? It would be worth a pay-per-view on HBO to witness that meeting. To give it a prime time feel, the debate would be moderated by HBO's very own Jim Lampley and judged by Howard Lederman. Think of the number of body blows and power punches Ryan could land on an imperious Obama. KO after the fourth interrogatory. Ryan hoisted on the shoulders of Speaker Boehner. Obama, though knocked out, blames his defeat on George Bush and Dick Cheney as he is toweled off by Reverend Wright.

Seriously, in a civilized debate on the issue of the debt there is not a man in Washington comparable to understanding and articulating the budget mess like Congressman Paul Ryan. Studying the debt problem and solving it is Ryan's life's work. His kids and our kids are depending on his work to be fruitful. Sure, it's not perfect, yet, but his plan is a plan worthy of debate.

Obama seems annoyed by Ryan and the budget issue because he hasn't studied it, doesn't understand it, can't control it or his party and doesn't own it like Ryan. He'd rather make smoozing house calls with the billionaire campaign donors at Facebook and Google in the soviet coastal enclave of San Francisco. But in a debate setting on this issue, Obama sans teleprompter, Paul Krugman and his enraptured army of toadies, would be exposed for what he truly is, a voluble barker espousing bromides and generalities flashing that always-ready camera smile and cocksure gait.

Continuing on with the theme of a HBO event, maybe the proceeds from such an outstanding televised show could go towards the paying off some of the $14TRILLIONplus national debt. Now that would be a truly positive bipartisan effort. But that will never happen. President Obama doesn't like to lose, particularly in front of the on-air red light. It wouldn't be prudent for him and he knows it.

1 comment:

  1. Best blog yet... Great combination of informed opinion and wit. The "toweled off by Reverend Wright" line slayed me. Good work.
